Physiotherapists use skilled assessment techniques to formulate an accurate diagnosis. This helps us to determine the best possible management for each individual, in order to achieve the best results. We will always try to determine the underlying cause of onset of a problem in order not only to treat it
effectively, but to avoid re-occurrence in the future.
We use many techniques to achieve this goal, such as:
v Skilled hands-on therapy
Ø Mobilisation (Spinal and Peripheral joints)
Ø Massage/Soft Tissue Mobilisation/Myofascial Release
Ø Trigger Point Therapy/Acupressure
v Specialised Electrotherapy
Ø Ultra Sound
Ø Laser
Ø Interferential
Ø Bioptron
v Neural Mobilisation
v Heat, Cryotherapy/ice
v Traction
v Dry Needling
v Nebulisation
v Individually designed exercise programmes/Rehabilitation aimed at specific goals, Vestibular Rehabilitation for Verigo and Dizziness, as well as Patient Education
We also assess the need for and supply:
v Walking aids
v Taping, Kinesiotaping
v Braces, Lumbar Supports
v Pillows, Back Supports
v Physioballs, Theraband, Microwave Huggers